GP Specialist Trainees


We train Specialty Training (ST) doctors, also fully qualified, who may then return to hospital medicine as specialists – this is part of a new programme to give all young doctors experience of medicine in the community setting. Depending on whether they are in the first, second or third year of training they are referred to as ST1s, ST2s or ST3s. We also teach Oxford University medical students and they may occasionally sit in during consultations – we always ask your permission before allowing them to see you, so if you would rather see your doctor alone, please feel free to decline.

Dr Ali Khan Dr Ali Khan ST3 Dr Ahmed Soliman Dr Ahmed Soliman GP Trainee Amy Darwin Amy Darwin GP Trainee Dr Catriona Callan Dr Catriona Callan GP Trainee Dr Matilda Llewellin-Robinson Dr Matilda Llewellin-Robinson GP Trainee